// Evil Inside Me - Tex Rec - Sonata //
At the beginning, the magical voice of Gracie does not really sound evil but her words and the deep sounds do. But don't we all have a devilish side? And does evil mean necessarily bad? Tex Rec‘s track is devilishly good at least and the more we let the track touch us, the more the deep groove hooks us, pushed by a clear vocal.
Remix duties are from Sidestep and Brian Sanhaji who had the following to say for themselves. "We just talked about everyone's inner devil. Based on Brian Sanhaji, it reflects this again in his indescribable schizophrenia. Otherwise, how can we understand it? When an artist and his own Alter Ego remix a track together and then also publish under both names?!? In this sense, are not we all a bit schizo? What is better than having more than one page. "Sidestep" is a project with a focus on sounds and broken beats. The sounds are timeless evil, so that you have feeling, the devil call to dance. A homage to the schizophrenia and the versatility of electronic dance music"
Er, well there you go. Great track.